More give and take from me and my readers. Enjoy or ignore.
From Tug Tagged
kailani said...
Wow, Pat Benatar. That sure brings back memories.
yea for me too, though I think I only like 3 songs from her catalog, but those 3 I love!
Tug said...
Love Pat & the GooGoo dolls...but you know - I was living in Vegas when Tupac was shot, but had NE.VER heard him until now. Had never listened to Jared Leto, OR JT. See? You learn something with these tags...Thanks Sparky!!
Seems Pat has a strong following. JT is amazing, and has gone way beyond his boy band days. And Tupac is one of those losses that will affect music, at least IMHO.
Haley-O said...
Love "what goes around comes around"! And, Scarlett's totally my girlcrush! Good one!
I love when people admit there same sex crushes!
Christine said...
In So. CA all we heard was Justin Timberlake's "What goes around"! For me it was a good song to have stuck in my head, while driving through CA desert.
Which leads me to something else. Its amazing how music travels across the country and comes out much earlier out west and down south before it leads to the Northeast.
On Technology Way Wrong
Webmiztris said...
why do people come up with this crap in first place? I wonder, does it work when calling a cell phone too, as opposed to a regular house phone with caller ID?
well from the story, I can tell that someone with a cell phone can make the calls to your house phone using this system. Not sure about the other way around.
On Tuesday was Blog for EC Day...
Desert Songbird said...
The only reason to see an OB/GYN more than once a year would be because you're ill or you have a problem or you're pregnant. For normal check ups, once a year is the standard; that's all that is recommended, and that's all insurance will pay!
Stupid gatekeepers at doctors' offices. I deal with them constantly, and some of them are dumber than a box of rocks.
Pam said...
That is INSANE!!
Did she get her pills? There's always Planned Parenthood as an alternative place to get them.
Lady Jane Scarlett said...
Amen Desert Songbird!
I'm all for the IUD, no hormones, no nutty receptionist etc..
Claire said...
Doctors receptionists are the spawn of the devil. They have convinced themselves that they went to medical school.
I am glad I reposted this since Mrs Duck was able to get to her doctor eventually. Guess what, it was the spawn of the devil receptionists fault. She never even told the doctor Mrs Duck called. Though Lady Jane, I don't even trust IUD's! So yes we have the pills once again.
On Brain Dump...
Jay said...
I totally sympathize with the Mrs - I only just realized that Colorado is not where I thought it was...Jason asked me where I thought it was, and I imagined it right under Seattle.
Ok, I will forgive you since you are a Canuck, and I would only be able to tell you where Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are. Hmm all the places with hockey teams.
Haley-O said...
Ahhh...A man who does the laundry and cooks dinner. Can I have my hubby call you? ;)
Haley, I do laundry, I just don't do it well. Or fold!
crowwoman / rhian said...
Atlanta is essentially another country according to the rest of the deep south. ["Yeah, Jo-Bob went way up thar to 'Lanter."]
And being a former resident of Atlanta, i'd have to say Atlantans would eagerly agree.
Mrs Duck thanks you for your support Rhian. Though she wanted to beat me up for mentioning her mistake until I showed her the comments.
Annie said...
Actually, the Rabid Wolverine is WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit, and I can tell you this, I would not complain if he blew my way mid-March....
You get me Trish Stratus and I will check on finding Benoit for you.
On Philly Wedding Review...
Pleaby said...
Would you consider reviewing my band? Here is a link to the website. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks!
Sorry Pleaby, right now I am only reviewing groups that I actually had interaction with.
Alicia said...
You lived in NJ, huh? My son was born in Brick, NJ and my husband was stationed at Lakehurst. We lived at Ft Dix because the Navy housing at Lakehurst was terrible. My son had surgery at Children's in Philly, so we only made it there for his consultations, doctors visits and eventual surgeries... I wish I would've spent more time in the city. It really is beautiful. We moved to Colorado a few months later...
NOT a nightmare! Tug lives in HELL, I agree... but I'm from Boulder. It's very different and beautiful.
Yes, I lived in NJ my whole life, except for the brief college jump. Actually, my grandparents lived in Brick, so I know where Lakehurst and Brick are. I hope his suregeries went well. Mrs Duck is a surgery alum of both Childrens and Shriners. She still goes to Childrens for some consultations, but that is a much longer story.
Boulder is a college town, of course it is beautiful.
On Thursday Thirteen, the Subscription one...
Anthony said...
I keep waiting for a local team to win a championship so I can buy a subscription and get the free junk they package with it. Something tells me that if a Philly team ever wins anything, subscriptions at SI will skyrocket.
I think SI will be available only virtually by the time any Philadelphia Team wins a championship.
Slackermommy said...
Wow, that's a lot of magazines. How do you find the time?
I don't, thats why they are still horribly piled up behind the couch.
Alicia said...
I get Playboy. I read it for the articles.
did that work for you? I tried that on the wife and she put her foot down.
Wylie Kinson said...
How un-fem is it for me to admit that I love Maxim? The writing is sharp and witty -- far more interesting that Cosmo, Glamour and that ilk!
I don't get TIME, but it's Canadian equivalent - MacLeans. It's my preferred method of grasping political/world news
Not unfem at all. If I can look at Cosmo, you can look at Maxim. Though I agree with another of the commenters that Maxim has lost its edge some. Now I am going to have to sniff out MacLeans online.
Kimo & Sabi said...
WE fink "Cat Fancy" magazine is a purrdy good read.
Funny, because I was really thinking of looking into Cat Fancy, except I would think I was becoming one of those "crazy cat ladies" in guy form.
Twyla said...
I've only subscribed to one magazine in my entire life...and I'll never tell which one. LOL
Now thats a challenge. Though Im thinking Playboy or Highlights.
Chelle said...
I feel the exact same way about Rachael Ray. Love her recipes but, her voice makes my ears bleed.
Neila said...
*sigh* I do love Rachael Ray. She's growing on me - annoying voice and all. :-)
Love her food, hate her show. Though I do think 10AM is too early for anyone to be perky thats not named Regis.
she said...
All of a sudden, I don't think our magazine subscriptions (4) are too many. I'm with your wife - definitely showing symptoms of addiction.
NB: The hubby used to like Maxim until he found UMM.
Shhh, dont agree with the wife, especially when you mention a new magazine to look at and subscribe too.
Haley-O said...
I got a subscription to US Weekly for my b-day...Loves it! ;)
yep US Weekly sounds just like something up your alley.
On So is it the Messenger or the Message...
Anthony said...
Over at the gym tonight, one of the treadmill TVs was tuned to Fox News ( about killing a workout)...anyway, the host was whining about the global warming debate. Basically, he was saying that the science was bunk, blah blah blah ... all of it centered around Gore.
Yours is a good question. I couldn't imagine Fox coming out against the issue if The Shrub or Dr. Evil was on that side.
What I can't figure out is why anyone would come out against protecting the environment, global warming or not. Guarding against possible warming of the earth is a measure to protect the air and water.
Isn't that a bi-partisan issue? Apparently not
One would think that the idea of not having the world implode or disappear under water would be an idea everyone can get behind.
Desert Songbird said...
The environment should be a NON-partisan issue; i.e., everyone REGARDLESS of party affiliation should care about protecting natural resources.
But, think about this from a business standpoint: would you buy haircare products from a bald guy or from a guy with full locks like, say, Jon Bon Jovi? It's all in how the message is delivered that will determine the success of the product. I hate to say it, but it's marketing, marketing, marketing. POLITICS is about the sell, not the message. Government should NOT be about politics, but it is.
Just my VERY humble opinion, but then who am I but some no-nothing suburban housewife...d'oh!
If you are just a no nothing suburban housewife, then I am Jon Bon Jovi. And politics is about marketing, which is why they need to raise all that money. But there should be certain ideas that should break through the haze.
Hyperion said....
Anyway, as a general proposition, I'd say that often the Messenger gets confused with the Message, and that's just the way it is. To use your own exmplae, if Dick Cheney said something, would a liberal be as likely to evaluate the information free of who delivered it? Probably not. Similarly, rightly or wrongly some people immediately wonder what Al Gore is up to when he speaks, what sort of end-game he has in mind.
More generally this holds true for most politicians. Any time you see a politician suddenly come out strongly on something, you can usually bet he/she is about to run for something.
well, I will say this, I was all for the tax cut originally when Bush got elected, because I am selfish and wanted some money back. Of course, I have let myself be fooled before. The problem is, should we look into the message everytime or should we just ignore it because of who it comes from. I try my best to listen to all sides, but alot of times its all just blasted talking points.
Haley-O said...
Erm...Canadian here. I liked that Al Gore got involved with this. It doesn't really matter to me how smug he is -- what matters is that he got people listening. I don't know if any of those other dudes could have. I think he was perfect for the job -- just to get the documentary noticed. He's an odd guy for the job, and a famous guy -- perfect.
Thats the one thing good about Gore. He is not a johnny come lately on this issue. He has been talking about it since he was a senator. So, he is not a fraud on the environment. Which of course should help his message.
Jay said...
Don't you wisht hat the medium wasn't the message?
That we could just pay attention to content, and whether the content has merit, and not whether we personally like the person who is delivering the message?
Jay, that is because neither side trusts the media. And we really shouldnt, since it all becomes Anna Nicole, Paris, and Britney, especially during sweeps. oh and the diaper wearing astronaut.
Wordnerd said...
In response to Anthony: Geez, guy. Give us a break. You guys have half a dozen news outlets distorting the facts on a regular basis -- mind if we have ONE? :)
Anthony said...
wordnerd: OK, one. But, I'd like it a lot more if they would go off the air at midnight. Being on at those weird hours just attracts a lot of drunks, who are suckers for a good story. Between Fox and QVC, drunks are probably responsible for 50% of their viewership. ;-)
yea, much easier for me to just let the two of you fight this out. Just let me witness it, it could be better then March Madness.