Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sun Interrupted

A nice quiet afternoon. My book, my cigarettes, my gatorade and the lovely weather. Of course, that peace gets interrupted by the onslaught of landscapers coming up the street. The sound of the air blower is mind gnawing, the mowers kick up the allergies beyond the help of claritin and silence is shattered. It was a nice 15 minutes though.


Carmen said...

yeah, I like to spend the time outside, but then the pollen makes me sneeze, the bees start to chase me (I'm allergic) and then I find that inside is still good. :)

Alicia said...

15 minutes is just enough time to soothe the soul.
Any more and you're likely to get a sunburn.
Hope you have a great day.

Anthony said...

That's one of the many flaws of my condo. The onslaught of gardeners and mowers at all hours. Seems like it happens mostly when I take a day off to goof off.

Beer helps.

tiff said...

no fair, bad landscaper people. Leave sparky alone!!

Tug said...

It really pisses me off when they come in early Saturday morning... Hope you enjoyed the 15!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, now I want a cigarette in the worst way!

Jay said...

What's with that?

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I'm all for banning those stupid leaf blowers...

Twyla said...

You had sun? Sun, what is this sun you speak of? I am jealous.

Rhian said...

Ah - a fellow pariah also known as a smoker! I've been trained so well that i can longer smoke inside a house - only outside, even in 20 degree weather.

We go thru neighbors on a freakishly frequent basis. I think they catch sight of me and move. But we've had some uber rednecks that i have been sooooo happy to see the backsides of. Shooting guns and crossbows in the yard, playing redneck music loudly, screaming fights...outside... annoying the shit outa me as i huddle in my corner with my cigarette for fifteen freaking minutes of peach and quiet. But nooooo - they have to race their dirtbikes right next to me, smash beer cans on their foreheads....argh.