Wait? That Many Posts??
Yep, trust me, the old duck was a tad surprised as well. But this humble little blog past 1000 posts last week, with very little fanfare at that. Though I do think it is fitting that it was a jab politically, since when I started this little trip, that is kind of how I envisioned this blog would be. But, going on, I realized it is much more fun to include like then to be all liberal all the time.
I had planned a big celebration, at least when I realized at 750 that I was going to be reaching 1000 sooner rather then later. Unfortunately, that is really not fiscally responsible at this point, so it will have to wait for another milestone. The Duck thanks you for your patience.
But, in a small form of celebration, I am going to post the archive meme, which I think was started by The 108 and I was tagged for way way back by either Starrlight, Matt-Man or Bond, the three of them usually argue over who they will tag, so I can't keep it straight. By the way, as I was linking them, Bond and The108 have some great posts today that you may wanna wander into.
Ok, here are the official rules:
You must list five links to posts you have written then tag five other people. At least two of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better . . . and don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments
I think I will forego the tagging part, but I do hope others of you do this and let me know that you did, going back can be fun sometimes.
Link 1 must involve Family
1.A little recap of the first time my parents visited the Future Mrs Duck and I.
Link 2 must involve Friends
2.Back to the Old Stomping grounds of Sparky Duck
Link 3 should be about you and what you are all about:
3.My Guilty Pleasures
Link 4 Must be about Something you love:
4.Easiest one to pick
And finally link 5 can be about whatever you want:
5.I had written posts before this one, but this was one of the first ones where I felt I was getting my voice.
So there it is, post #1008. Thanks to all the readers and commenters that now make this whole blogging experiment alot more fun then it used to be.
congratulations sparky! and i am very glad that you are not all liberal all the time or i would not be here and see, we became friends! i KNEW some of them weren't too bad! ha ha
smiles, bee
Way to go Sparky!!!
Whoooo, dude. That is impressive. Big Time.
Congrats! Quite a milestone indeed!
Woo Hoo! Good for you!
Duck soup for everyone. Oops sorry! How about free martinis for everyone and put it on my check. :)
Congratulations! I'm a mere pup with only 759 posts to my name. I bow to you, Sparky Duck.
Big Happy Hugs! Congrats Sparky! That is quite a milestone and I've enjoyed my time spent here :-)
Now get out there and find some more hunks - poor Sol isn't making it this week, but I still stand by my vote!
That blogathon threw you way over your usual daily limit, didn't it?
Impressive number regardless.
WooHoo -- 1000! I can't even count that high...
1k post?! Holy Shit, Duckster, that is impressive! Congrats!
I'm picking my jaw up off the floor. 1000! Amazing.
Ditto Starr's comments, but inquiring minds want to know - how many of that 1K involve photos of hot babes?
Bee-It all comes bubbling out sometimes
Momish and Gal-Thanks so much
Pop-Depends, is that Kettle One you are handing out?
Tilly-Thanks. Tune in Friday for male hotness
Andel-yes the blogathon helped, but if not for it I would still be a month a way.
Wylie-Well, you are a writer, all you count is words
Starr-Thanks, plus you were comfortable enough to curse, I love it
Julia-dont hurt yourself
Songbird-ok, that maybe another 40 posts or so, I never said they were all good posts, i just said there were 1000 of them ;)
That's fabulous!! WTG on being such a great talker ;)
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