Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I went to college for this???

My brain is slowly becoming fried. I have worked 6 out of the 7 days for 2 weeks straight, yesterday it was a 9 to 7 day with a half hour lunch and today I am looking at 9 to 6 with maybe a half hour lunch, if I am lucky. Corporate America is just so grand!


Anthony said...

The trouble withe keeping up a schedule like that is (a) they come to expect it from you and (b) you ultimately wear yourself out.

Do you at least get Friday off this week?

Desert Songbird said...

My husband works 10-12 hour days on a regular basis and then drives over an hour to get home.

At least he's home now and not in California.

Just think, not but a few months ago you were home, unemployed, and blogging!

Yoshi said...

I worked for about 60 hours a week and when i wasn't working, i was on pager standby, and every night i swear a server broke down at least once.

Yeah, I know all about that! that sucks!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

and the alternative is???

smiles, bee

Lisa Andel said...

I see the soul sucking job is going well...

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I say it's high time we establish a new world order!
Less work, more soul!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Tell me you are atleast hourly ....