Friday, September 14, 2007

Humor soothes all injustices

Ok, the speech tonight had me seething. Angry because Dubya is a boob and the people out there that are supposed to be his check and balance, Congress, have the spine of a jellyfish. I needed a fucking laugh.

So, when I saw Amy Ruttan's post, and then a reference to me and coffee and my nose, I had to feel a tinge of humor and lightheartedness. And then of course, I needed to try and top her.

If you don't find the Darryl Hammond impersonation of Sean Connery on Celebrity Jeopardy to be hilarious, you may have some biological imbalance.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. So funny!!

THose recipes look yummy as well.

Lisa Andel said...

I love you Sparky! Just what I needed to start my day off right with.

Pheealzabub said...

Absolutely no offense intended to you and all the other decent, hard working ducks out there, Sparky.

As with all creatures, there are the few bad eggs trying their damndest to spoil everything for the rest of us and they just need to be pointed out for what they are and what they're doing...

'Preciate you stopping by!

Sarge Charlie said...

Hi Sparky, just wanted to pop in and thank you for your comment. I know that everone cannot agree on what we should do, but it pisses me off when some coward comes around and hides in the shadows. You are always welcome to express your views at my place, often we will disagree but we can do it with respect.

Twyla said...

The Jeopardy skits were my favourite thing to watch on SNL. Just watched the whole video...thanks for the laugh. I loved the 'anal bum cover' part. LOLOL It had been a while since I've seen it. :-)

Amy Ruttan said...

I am going to have to find something to top that!! Hmmm, I will think hard.

"I'm the cock of the walk,"

Amy Ruttan said...

My rebuttal is posted. Muwahahahaha

Unknown said...


Not so fast Trebek!!

Slackermommy said...

God, that's funny! I've never seen that skit.

"I'll take famous titties!"

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Will Ferrell is my hero. Meow.
Your momma Trebek!

Anthony said...

I'm glad I don't have a biological imbalance. "You'll rue the day you crossed me" is a catch phrase at work.

The Burt Reynolds ones are hilarious, too.

Wylie Kinson said...

*holding sides*
