Friday, July 06, 2007

Still No Amy Giordano

About a month or so ago, I mentioned here a story about a 18 month old boy being left at a Newark, Delaware hospital and the fact that it seemed a bit fishy in regards to where his mother was and why she would huff all the way down to Delaware to abandon her son.

Well, things in this sad little story have become a bit more twisted and almost fictional. Newsday did a fine job of laying out some new details that have been learned. We have figured out why she did not leave her little boy at a more local hospital, well whoever left the child there. The father actually lives in the town next to where the hospital is located, it is probably his local hospital, making it a bad idea for him to have anything to do with.

Turns out also, that Amy and Maria DiMaggio, who is the wife of Rosario DiGiralmo, the father, did not know about each other. In fact, Rosario was leading a double life, with one child with Maria in Millstone and one child with Amy in Hightstown. Not that smart on his part, since the two towns are less then a half hour apart and seperated by one major highway. Of course, the way things are seeming to lay out, Rosario was not a rocket scientist.

And now for the Sopranos twist. DiGiralmo booked a flight to Milan, Italy and has disappeared off the face of the earth once he got there. Oh, and did I forget to mention that he bought his new house in Millstone from a consiglierie of the second strongest mob family in New Jersey. Needless to say, authorities are investigating any kind of mob ties.

So, now, the boy is in foster care, Mom is missing and Dad is either missing or fleeing of both. I see why MSNBC has finally started reporting on this story and spreading at least some of the word around.


Kimo and Sabi said...

This is just disturbin! Some beans should not be allowed to have baby beans - There is so many beans like our parents who is wantin' soooo much to adopt a little bean baby...then stoopid beans do stuff like this - they don't even want their bean baby! Arrrragggg!

Valtool said...

Actually the whole thing revolves around George Bush. He's responsible for the baby and his cronies helped the dad escape the country.

Sparky Duck said...

yea, im not even gonna dignify that

Valtool said...

No? But it makes perfect sense as he is both an "ass clown" and an "asshat" and since he uses cocaine (if that's the definition of coke-head), it MUST be his fault. :)

Special K ~Toni said...

Wow! I hope this has a 'happy' ending!

Anonymous said...

why did it take soooo long to air this poor womans dissapearance / ??? Was it her nationality. Or her lack of money????

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