Sunday, July 01, 2007

I'm going to Gitmo

So, is it treasonous or unamerican to hear the President's voice giving one of his speeches just after 9/11 and to think Asshole?


Cinnamon Girl said...

Hell no. I hear his voice and I can *feel* my IQ dropping.

Anonymous said...

First off, I want to thank you for your take on the Commerce news. I appreciate any participation on this topic especially.

As for the self-accusation of treason, I would say to not be so hard on yourself. I personally feel sorry for the guy at times because of the bubble he lives in. He seems so disconnected at times.

Valtool said...

I imagine this depends, are you a Michael Moore devotee who agrees that the President knew about the impending attacks and let them happen for financial gain and the chance to get back at the guy that wanted his father dead?

Also, for context, are yo talking about hearing it when it happened or are you hearing the speech replayed recently. Context matters.

Desert Songbird said...

I don't listen to him. I have enough trouble keeping brain cells from dying off; I don't need outside assistance.

Schmoop said...

No it's not, it is common sense. Cheers!!

pissed off patricia said...

That's all you call him?

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Everytime I hear his voice, my blood pressure rockets and I have to resist the urge to not scream. I'm with ya Sparky.

The Gal Herself said...

I worked very hard for Senator John Kerry. When I think about what we lost when we decided that he just wasn't warm and fuzzy enough to be President (and had too opinionated a wife), it breaks my heart. So sometimes, to be completely honest, when I hear Bush 43 I think, "There! That's what you voted for, America! Are you enjoying yourselves?" I think my response is even more treacherous than yours, but it's true. Then I comfort myself by reassuring myself that he's really irrelevant. Even Nixon was more popular during Watergate than Bush 43 is today.

Erin said...

I think it is perfectly acceptable considering he is one!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

You mean one of his "promises" speeches?

I will send money to NY to rebuild - BULLSHIT
We will hunt down the people responsible for this - BULLSHIT

What i wanted to know is in all the pictures I did not see Dick Cheney with his arm up W's ass working the strings...