Tuesday, February 05, 2008

As of 7:53

It was my first What the Fuck moment. With 2% of the precincts counted so far, Mike "Moonshine" Huckabee is leading in Georgia!


Cinnamon Girl said...

This is also not surprising if you have ever been to Georgia. My ex boyfriend's dad is his demo and he has a LOT of company.

You know the freaky speaking in tongues, snake handling, revivial tent, Ghandi will burn in hell cause he does not recognize "the Christ" kinda people.

Sparky Duck said...

This is not helping my hopes of moving south someday.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yeah well atlanta is blue. There are just too many red necks in the rest of the state and they outnumber the dems. Oregon is like that only we have the numbers in the i5 corridor to keep it blue.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Snakes? Say it ain't so Joe...