Thursday, October 11, 2007

Where I become a 16 year old

And not one of those cute Disney Movie/Jennifer Garner 16 year olds. No, when I seem to revert in maturity and intelligence.
Tex and The Cat Wrangler came out for my birthday this past week, and there was some apprehension and tension, mostly on my part. In fact there was some sweaty palms in thought starting 6 weeks ago when they told me they were coming out for a visit in the first wrong.
Now, Don't get me wrong, I love the parents. They raised me right, my brother and I never got into any real trouble. They helped provide for my education, instilled a love of reading I still have today and overall were good parents. There is something now that seems to itch in my brain like some sort of itchy tag on a new t-shirt when I see them. Its like I can only remember the things that seem to drive me nuts about them when we are in a close proximity.
Tex still intimidates me, he always has, he probably always will. I know its part his old persona that I grew up with, the school administrator who always could just get you back in line with just a look. And its not the look all the time, actually Tex and I got along pretty well this trip. Its just that you have to keep him on an even happy keel all the time, which becomes alot of work.
And the Cat Wrangler, lets just say we are like oil and water. We both seem determined to try and contradict everything we say to each other, at least on things that I do not 100% agree with her on. And all conversations in some small way seem to trickle back to her. Plus CW is as indecisive as a 3 year old. She can never seem to want to do anything, yet she is not happy with anything we decide to do. Its kind of weird.
I know part of this feeling of angst and stammering that i had while they were here was just proximity. The house is too small for 4 people for 4 days. Its a recipe for disaster.
And of course, when they left, I was sad and depressed, because I do miss them. Now, the way I was acting before the Tuesday flight, you would have thought I would have been jumping for joy. Which is why, dear readers, I am even more confused about the angst in the first place.


Tug said...

OH.MY. I so could have written this almost word for word about MY parents...and they're coming to town this weekend.

My brother & sister-in-law are also coming in...pray for me Sparky!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Hey it happens to most people most of the time. Don't beat yourself up over it!

Wylie Kinson said...

Happy belated birthday Sparky! And many more, of course :)

And as a parent myself, can I just say that we LIVE to fuck up our children?
Be quiet, speak up, slow down, hurray up, read more, don't be such a smart ass,...
Yup, true.

Heard you stopped by the EC chat today and I'M SO UPSET that I missed you!!
My kids, what can I say. They ruin everything - my chats, the surface of my kitchen table, my hips.
Good thing they're so damn cute.
Anyway - thanks for stopping by and showing the lurve. Appreciate it :)

Unknown said...

Sparky, our parents are there to remind us of many things. Things we love, things we hate. I'm lucky to have a fantastic relationship with my parents. My husband though...he and his dad sound like you and CW. All I can say is...


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

DUDE..they are your parents...of course you have conflicting dad and I can get along for just so long and then it is knives and whips at 30 paces....but I miss seeing him and we talk at least once a week...

The Gal Herself said...

Steve Dahl, a local radio personality, once said that he wants his family to be a Norman Rockwell painting but it's really a Salvador Dali. I think that's what happens. We want family gatherings to be so normal and to go so well that we imbue them with so much, and they always end up uncomfortable and disappointing.

But I hope you had a good birthday, Mr. Duck!

the Book of Keira said...

My parents are tolerable only from an ocean's width apart. Anything else, and they're too close.

Desert Songbird said...

I hope you had a happy birthday regardless. At least you have parents with which to celebrate!

Twyla said...

I never got along with my parents. It would be torture for me to spend a weekend with my dad.

Jenny McB said...

Each time I think it will be better and it's always the same. Guess we should just try to accept the good and learn to ignore the rest.

I could have written this post.