Sunday, July 15, 2007

Question of the Weekend-Fulfillment

***Sticky Post, scroll down for more recent posts, including the most recent 50 in 50 selections***

Mrs Duck and I had a discussion yesterday and I figured if there was ever a diverse crowd to ask a question of, the blogosphere was it.

Ya see, she is a gloomy gus when it comes to her job. Now of course there are factors that can't be touched on here that go into some of the cause of the gloominess. But, she also feels unfulfilled. To which I say of course, you can not look to your job for fulfillment, because more times then not, it will let you down.

I look to my cooking for happiness, something to look forward to. When I write the perfect blog post in my eyes that makes me happy. A 200 yard drive straight with a driver thrills me. But, Mrs Duck is not the hobby type girl. Or at least thinking off the top of her head of a hobby she enjoys.

So, my question, what brings you happiness or fulfillment. What hobby, activity, volunteerism do you look forward to, that helps you get through a blah day at the office?

And please, try not to answer your kids. While they can make anyone happy, that is not something we can conjure up that quickly. :)


Twyla said...

My guitar. :-) I heart it.

ZuZu said...

Anything artsy-scrapbooking, writing, that kinda stuff. If Mrs. Duck is into reading, tell her to check out Julia Cameron's books (like "The Vein of Gold"). They're geared toward finding what makes you fulfilled creatively.

SARK is also very good. Barbara Sher has a book called "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was", about finding your passion and doing it for a living. I'll have to go through my stash of books and give you some more titles. Lord knows I've got enough self help books to drown a horse!

M.b.r.a.i.n said...

Laughing! I'll watch or read something that will make me laugh!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

My writing, of course. It's my passion, so I indulge it. And thank God I have a husband who allows/enables this!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she should start blogging? The friendships help me feel better!

author said...

Weirdly enough, knitting. But only socks.

And cleaning my apartment. Not writing - that just frustrates me. So does e-mail, especially when nobody e-mails.

The Gal Herself said...

I try to stay in the moment. If I can concentrate on where I AM (instead of where I've been, or how bad where I'm going to be tomorrow might be), I can find a lot to make me happy. Oldies on the radio, the color of the sky, how sweet my cat Joey looks when he sleeps ... If Mrs. Duck can manage to banish work from her consciousness (hard to do, I know) and just focus on what's at hand, she might be happier. Also, I love the unconditional love of critters. I know you're pet people. Can she surround herself with your animals for a while, until she decompresses?

Anonymous said...

When I'm down in the dumps, I may not blog much, but I do love to go around and visit everyone else. It makes me feel better to see that good things are happening in their lives. I also enjoying cuddling up with a good book and chasing Vader around the backyard.

Special K ~Toni said...

I love to cross stitch and crochet. It may sound like I'm an old lady, but it is relaxing and you can see results fairly quickly!

Unknown said...

I have to say writing. It gets me so excited when I sit down and start building a world.

I also love reading, and watching TV. I get passionate about certain shows because they inspire my writing.

Rhian said...

painting and writing...and reading.
well - my kids too but since you've kicked them to the side of the road Sparks i guess i won't mention them. Even though they are the sun in my sky, the rain on my drought, the path to immortality... nah, i'll be good and make it all about me, not them.

Carrie said...

Lesseee.... Just the thought of going home cheers me up quite a bit when I'm having a bad day at work. The joy in being anywhere else but here can lift my spirits pretty well. Then when I do get home, I've got so many choices.. a nice hot bath with a good book, well, really a good book anywhere in the house, or I can drown myself in whatever is on tv, or play me some Warcraft with the hubby.. Lots of things to do! :)

MissMargo said...

Two or three things for me:

1: being outside in the sunshine

2: Riding my horse (not always outside for that), spending time at the stable

3: Driving my truck with the Windows down.

Just need to find a space on the earth where you can breath, and feel free for a while.

Christie O. said...

oh i would definitely have to say writing. it is my life and since I quit work (which was writing) for my new job as mom (as much as i love the little poopsicle stick) i find i have to have accompanying hobbies to make myself the happiest, best mom on earth. writing is one of those things. music of any type is another, and just plain spacing out in silence is another. but i really love putting myself into projects like taking classes on opening my own business, pottery, kayaking and knitting. i guess i have a long list of things i'd like to learn about and I go down each if them one by one and take classes on them like they're on my big life's to-do list. guitar lessons is next. hey, you only live once, right? only bad thing is it turns out i know a little about a lot, but definitely not a lot about one thing. oh well! i guess, moral of the story is, the job is a job. anything outside of that should make you the happiest person on earth so you can go back to that job and have something to look forward to afterward. sorry, longest comment ever. by the way, i totally tagged you.

Tug said...

The love & good vibes I get from my blog friends, as well as the laughs. Volunteering for the Red Cross & local hospital, where people are totally going through hell - but thank you for giving them a little light in their day. ;-) Best wishes to Mrs. Duck!

ZuZu said...

Try this book by SARK : "Make Your Creative Dreams Real". If Mrs. D isn't really sure what's going to rock her boat, there's all kinds of little "to do's" in there to help her find her niche. Any of Julia Cameron's books will do the same. Keep us posted, Mrs. D! :)

Peg said...

For me--writing. But I don't have the office drag to deal with anymore...but another thing--Gardening.

Flowers are my favorite, and I'm thrilled when my black thumb shows hints of green, and I get blooms on my plants. Plus, weeding and working the earth is very zen--I can think and ruminate and talk to myself. It's sometimes very soothing, and always gratifying.

Anonymous said...

My greatest wish is that everyone could be fulfilled by their job. I am one of the masses who is not and it sucks. It can suck all the vitality right out of you.

To save my sanity I love to take pictures. Total instant gratification. Anyhthing to do w. metaphysics rocks my world. Reading is my number one pasttime. And, being is school brings me joy...the learning not the stressing about how little time I have to do everything I love. When I spend so many hours here not doing what I love....

Thinking this is more than you wanted to know. Whatever your wife loves she should nuture fiercely.

Rebecca said...

Sorry I'm so late on this one, but I like the Q!
Blogging, soccer, volunteering, taking pictures, playing Pogo games, taking scenic drives - I have lots of answers, of course the best cure is to come home from a bad day and take it out on the weeds in the garden.
Too bad I don't have a garden - sometimes if the day really stinks, then coming home and cleaning the toilet makes me feel loads better :-0