Friday, July 20, 2007


So, if you were upstairs in your boidoir and you were um, checking the sheets out so to speak, and then you later came down stairs to grab a smoke. Now as you walk outside, you see 5 or 6 or 7 cop cars parked in your cul de sac, you would be a bit curious. Now, when they exit the house that they were checking out and the two residents of the house were off someplace else and then turned around and came open, depositing the teenage like person from the house, you would think odd, right? And then the teenage type person would walk into your side yard and scream at the top of his lungs, followed by the return of 4 or 5 of the police officers, you would think interesting right? Then the two house mates would get back into there car, and be escorted out of the neighborhood, and you with good ears would hear they maybe off to the hospital, you would think, intriguing right? Oh and did I mention the police department took a plastic bag out with something that they seemed to tap on the hood of there car? Oh no I forgot that part. So, you see all this happen, and are actually scared by the yelling Emimem wanna be, would you be curious as to what happened? And would you be curious as to why Emimem was back again today, giving his best "you mean nothing to me look" and enterntaining some of his buddies in the cul de sac? What would you do?


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

keep my doors locked, keep an eye out and not let it bother me...

Please come by THE COUCH today and help us complete our mission.

Unknown said...

Yes, lock the door. Read my book, it should keep you out of trouble. Or as the worst, you'll have to check the sheets again... ;)

Wylie Kinson said...


Cinnamon Girl said...

Drug bust and full prisons. There is your story. Em probably flushed a whole lotta his stash and got busted anyhow!

Valtool said...

Yeah, I'd be locking the door, and being a conservative I'd be checking the safe staorage of a loaded firearm (though we own no firearms).

We've had some concerns this summer too with the new neighbor kid who keeps asking us for money.

Last night I got home and there was a congregation of aout 20 youths standing in the entrance to the cul-de-sac immediately across the street from us.

BTW we had police out at the neighbor's house this spring (where the money-wanting kid lives) but it was because they let their 2 yr/old daughter fall through a window screen a story and a half above the concrete driveway.

Schmoop said...

I didnt know that you lived in my neighborhood!! Cheers!!

Anthony said...

Doors locked, definitely.

Probably more of that sort of thing goes on in my condo development than I know. Since I face away from the parking lot, I figure ignorance is bliss.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Are you for real? I'm the only person who'd set out in search of explanations???

(and depending on what they are, I'd consider firing up the old Howard Hanna website and house hunting.)

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I'd load up on the lead and start yelling to Em "bring it on biyatch, I hate your LP's".
Heh. Not really.
I'd move to a quiet midwestern town in Michigan that's safe for liberals, mostly safe, and has a rockin' hockey team.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a good mystery (and maybe check your homeowners insurance just in case a meth lab explodes in your neighborhood!)

Anonymous said...

Get the h*ll out of there.

pissed off patricia said...

I would call the police dept and ask them what just happened near my house.

Years back a police helicopter was hovering over my house for a long time. I called the police dept to ask why. The person there told me a bank robber had escaped and they thought he was in the bushes beside me house.

tiggerprr said...

I am a bit surprised at the number of advices you are getting to keep your door locked...doesn't everyone always keep their doors locked? Or am I a paranoid? LOL