Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bthon 22.48 Blogathon Winners, Contest 1

Don't worry, I plan on doing two more of them, however, we have two winners

Widows Son got Kixx
Anthony got Phantoms

The other two correct answers, that I was thinking at least, were the Bon Jovi co-owned Soul of the Arena Football League and the Wings of the Major League Indoor Lacrosse League. I was disappointed at the lack of Soul information, with Bon Jovi's involvement and all.

Guy's drop me an email at blujackit at and let me know what you want done with your prizes. Like I said, two more contests planned for the rest of the blogathon. I will care over one of the $6 prizes from here and donate one $6 prize to a random charity in the blogathon. Thanks for playing.


author said...

Argh, I was too late with the Wings. :)

Widow's Son said...

Give my prize to the Shriner's Hospital for Children.

I've posted an article on the Taper about your site and blogathon. Hope it drives you some traffic and sponsors.

Widow's Son

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Wait it is one every have hour.. Sheesh... I knew the Soul one too... arg

HockeyKnight said...

Thanks for all the comments on my page. I appreciate it enough to know that at least somebody is watching and reading.

I wish I got over here sooner or I would have been able to answer your sports teams quiz.

Maybe I should do one of my own... hmm... intriguing concept.