Sunday, July 29, 2007

blogathon 48.48 Thanks

A full wrap up later, sometime, someday really soon, but to everyone out there that stayed up, just woke up or stopped by.

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Rhian said...

wahooo! yay Sparky!
Go Sparky - Go to bed Sparky! Yay Sparky!

Wylie Kinson said...

Uncork the champagne, Sparky!!
Well, have a nap first.

CONGRATS on your success!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

good job honey!!!

smiles, bee

Dragon said...

Way to go, Sparky!

Tilly Greene said...

Congrats Sparky, now go hug the Mrs and the two furry wonders...they probably need to shower you with love for your valiant good deed :-)

Valtool said...

I apologize, becuase I did not get by to read until late this morning, after church. Yesterday was full, and bizarre.

Started with running out to a 10:40am movie as movies at AMC Theatres are $5 before noon. Live Free or Die Hard - bottom line, entertaining but entirely unbelievable, thankfully New Jersey's own Kevin Smith had a nice cameo as The Warlock.

Rushed out from the theatre to the mall to pick up my Mike Schmidt jersey (was being repaired after the dog ate part of it) and then rushed to Winston's for poker.

Friday Night I came in 2nd place of 80 people who started. I had the chip lead while we were head's-up but lost an all-in for the win on the river card and was pretty much crippled then. So I got $20 house cash.

Saturday I made the final table but had to throw it away because I took the wife's car and she needed stuff in it to go to work. Sigh.

Saturday night was my older brother's birthday celebration and I actually had my first experience in my life with drinking to the point of puking.

Made it to church today, nice. Had lunch with the Mrs. and went to work myself where I saw my third vagina in as many days while processing people's pictures.

pissed off patricia said...

I extend my admiration to you and all who did this amazing task. Atta boys and girls all around.

The Gal Herself said...

Oh, Sparkela! I'm so proud to have participated in even a small way in your success. I did read your regularly over the weekend and tried to leave you messages, but the comment link kept timing out on me. Still, you done good, Duck.