Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #41-The Links One

Thirteen Links Found by Sparky

Today, we are supposed to get FiOS for the home computers. And while this internet is advertised as being 10 times faster then DSL, it also requires you to lose phone and internet access for about 8 hours while they install it. So, as a timesaver, plus as a way to send you off to some other great blogs since we will be out of commission, here is a list of thirteen other Thursday Thirteens.

1.One Gals Musings has the Thirteen most successful movies of all time.

2.Thomma Lyn is doing Thirteen + 2 things that are a tad quirky about herself.

3.Toni K is missing her hubby and lists 13 reasons why, go give her a hug.

4.Sanni has Thirteen googlies or thirteen phrases that people used to find her blog.

5.Susan H. G. is sharing Thirteen things
about Trevor effing Wolff. Don't know who Trevor Wolff is, well ya should.

6.Wylie has 13 Canadian actors. Yep, I did not know there were Thirteen either.

7.Amber has Thirteen lovely things around her house. Its like a home tour.

8.Blog That Mommy is giving us Thirteen Kathy Griffin quotes. I think she might be better then Whoopie on the view, maybe.

9.Tilly Greene is telling us about the Summer of Love in Thirteen tidbits. Which is good since I missed it the first time around.

10.Amy Habla is making us all jealous by giving Thirteen facts about her upcoming trip.

11.Frigga is asking all of us Thirteen more questions. These are always fun, so check it.

12.Starrlight is going GaGa over Grosse Point Blank, what a great movie, by the way.

13.The Maine Mom is doing her best to share Thirteen Things she loves about summer.

Go, Read, Learn, don't miss me much

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck on the new P. Let us know how it works out.


Kristi K. said...

Thanks for stopping by my "13" post! I stopped by your "International" blog and cracked up! What a hoot! I'm earmarking that one for sure!

I'm supposed to be getting work done so I can go on vacation, so I'm outta here for now. But I'll be back, because you are simply too entertaining to ignore! ;)

Have a great rest-of-the week/weekend.

MaR said...

You have interesting links here! happy thirteening :)

Tilly Greene said...

Sparky Duck, faster than a speeding bullet! Can't wait to hear how fast you bytes come down now :-)

Red Garnier said...

These are super interesting. Good idea for TT, too!! Thanks. =)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to check them all out. I hope the new connection works out. :)

Wylie Kinson said...

You are so witty, Sparky!
Thanks for listing me.

Special K ~Toni said...

Hey! I'm #3! Thanks for the link! How are you going to go 8 hours w/o internet??? You poor thing!

EHT said...

What a lovely way to participate!

Great job.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Thanks for the shout out =)

Holla back when you are up and running on the uber l33t internet connection!

Lori said...

I know most of these bloggers...they're awesome!!

Darla said...

What a thoughtful service! :)

Hope everything goes well, without hitches.

Rebecca said...

Hehe I think #11's my favorite! Okay, just kidding. Thanks for the link love ;)
Happy Thursday, I'm off to click your links...

Valtool said...

Alrighty now you QUACK! I know you have net access cuz you commented on my wife's blog. Now bring on the hottie of the day!

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool list, and thanks for the link love! Good luck with your new internet -- wow, it sounds fabulous once everything gets rolling.

Take care, and happy TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Aww, Sparky! You're the best!!

Hope the FIOS people are nice and don't show up at the end of their "We'll be there between six and the tenth of never" window.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Love the link love! Hope you enjoy the new internet.

Chelle Y. said...

What!?! I did not make the list! Just kidding!

Anonymous said...

This is a great list of Thirteeners.I know most of them. What NO internet for 8 Hours?? What will you DO??

Have a good one!

Rhian said...

work has been loco - i'm just now starting to make the rounds! nice pimpage - some of these are on my hit list...

Veronica Arch said...

Great links! I'm going to scoot on over right now and check some of them out.

Thanks for the visit!

Lisa Andel said...

I'm checking out the links, but I think I like Michael - lover of Amy's comment the best.

Neila said...

Hey, I made your list! Woo hoo!! I am on my way to check out some of those blogs. What a great idea for a TT!!

Blog said...

Frigga's questions are always fun. :)