Monday, June 04, 2007

See it was brief-Anniversary Contest!!

Ok, so we are back in full duck feather mode once again. If you really wanted to see the sights and sounds of the Duck Family, drop me a line and I will send out a lovely old email.

Speaking of sending, for this special weekend, I will be holding a contest. 3 winners will be chosen, 2 winners will be selected from the group of correct answers to the question I will share, and 1 winner will just be randomly selected from the comments in general. Exciting isn't it?

What do you win? A genuine copy of the wedding favor from last year, a CD chock full of songs. It will be like you were their without having to suffer the heat, humidity, rain storm and an expensive gift. Who wouldn't want that??

So, here is the question: The Duck Family went on our honeymoon to Hawaii. We visited two of the islands there. Name One of them.

See, simple. Good luck and happy weekend to everyone. This contest will run until Monday morning at 8 am, EDT. And now, we are off to jet set around Philadelphia.


Tug said...

Maui & Kauai?? Dang, you'd think I'd know.

Erin said...

I would name only one but I'd probably be wrong, so I'm going to name 2... wait, maybe they are in your blog somewhere, hold on...

Ha! I found one - and yes, this most certainly counts that I cheated, because quite frankly, I could have looked without being honest, but I am too honest :)


Erin said...

oh and a big p.s.

I'm not on your blogroll *sniff sniff*

And here I thought we bonded over One Life to Live *sniffle*

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Oahu and Kauai, says I.

Anthony said...

I'll go with Oahu and Maui.

Karen said...

After reviewing some older posts and a bit of research:), I am also going with Oahu and Maui. I think both of those are right, but if I am wrong, maybe I got 1 of the 2 right...does that count? :-)

Hyperion said...

Wait: I'm reading this on Saturday, but it says Monday?

Accck! My brain is exploding!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great honeymoon, HAWAII! I am going to with the Big Island. Just a guess, mind you, but who could resist all that lava?

Anonymous said...

Well, I do know that you were in Wailea on Maui. I'm guessing the other was Oahu.

Anonymous said...

A honeymoon in Hawaii sounds like Paradise to me. Just guessing, but Oahu and Maui.

Laurel said...

I'm just going to give you the two we went to. Maui and Hawaii. Beaches and volcanoes. Doesn't get much better. Oh, and the road to Hana. :swoon:

author said...

I've spent the evening editing a male/male romance novel, and my brain is refusing to cough up even a single Hawaiian island name. Instead, I'll take this opportunity to congratulate you on your anniversary! This weekend is one of my very best friend's anniversary, as well, and his gift was a brand new baby girl. Poor guy. Nine months of the newlywed year was spent prepping his house for baby. My mother keeps calling me and telling me not to get pregnant during my first year as a newlywed. :P

By the way, sheets are NOT just sheets! Ask Mrs. Duck, she'll tell you. There's a world of difference between 200 thread count and 400 thread count, and only a lucky few of us ever have the luxury of the fabled 1000 thread count.

Unknown said...

How are yall..What a fun guys seem like a very happy couple!

Lissete said...

I will guess Oahu & Kauai. We hope to go to Oahu, Maui & BI in Sept & really want to see Kauai, but we won't be able to this time around.

I actually live in heat, humidity and for the last couple of days, major rain storms!

Visiting via 5 minutes for mom,
