Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Well, now that's disgusting

Those were the second thoughts that popped into my head, after of course the prerequisite oh god, oh god breathe deep, oh god. Turns out that I am so lactose intolerant that I can no longer enjoy the taste of lasagna, or at least the ricotta thats in lasagna.

So, my excuse for being very MIA yesterday, was because I was riding the porcelain pony. It was one of those times where you know that you have to throw up, but you don't want to do it. So, you let your body take its course and feel absolutely awful until that time comes. I will say I slept like a baby last night!

Better it happened yesterday as opposed to today, since I have another job interview today. I just hope I am not that pale.


Tilly Greene said...

Oh man! That's so sad, maybe it's a temporary state. Pale is fine, well-rested is even better, so good luck on the interview [positive vibes winging their way to you].

Peg said...

Oh, god, that's the worst...hope all goes well at the interview!

Desert Songbird said...

So sorry to hear about your bout with worshiping the porcelain god. Hope your interview goes well. As far as pale goes, you could always use a little make up...(grinning)

Alicia said...

I hate vomiting, too.
I do the breathing exercizes that I learned in Lamaze class and pace around the bathroom until finally I can't hold it any longer, I puke, I get it out of me and then I cry (Real Tears) like a baby and go to sleep.

Puking's not realy my forte.

Anonymous said...

That really sucks...but I'm glad it happened yesterday. Good luck with the interview!!!

Tug said...

Good luck with the interview!! Do you take lactaid or anything?

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I'm so sorry Sparky, there's lots of good options now. Soy cheese being one of them.
How did your interview go?

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Oh no, just the ricotta was enough to make you sick? Poor thing, and how awful.

Hope the interview goes/went well :)

Feel better soon!

Anthony said...

Sheryl Crow would be disappointed in your extreme usage requirements.

Rhian said...
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Rhian said...
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Rhian said...

TMI Sparks - uh, about the pukage not the interview! Hope it went well...the interview not the v-fest.

Rhian said...

hmm - not sure why it posted my comment 3x but i cleaned up my mess. SMILE.

Anonymous said...

Oh, best of luck to you!!! Sorry about the lasagna, 'cause that truly sucks!

Twyla said...

Oh poor Sparky. If I were lactose intolerant I would die...that's all I eat. Hope you're feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I hope you are feeling better.
How did the interview go?