Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ear and Eye Candy

I remember how popular the last entry that included the great Jared Leto was, so why not follow it up with another video post? I say give the people what they want, I know who my readers are. Have patience, 30 Seconds to Mars is in this video, trust me.

That was the ear candy, and now for the eye candy.

Of course, I need some eye candy for me, it is my blog you know. I always used to get Rose McGowan and Bridget Moynahan confused, until Bridget went and got herself pregnant. Plus, I have a whole thing with the name Bridget, but thats another story. So, a hottie that you have heard of I am sure, ....drumroll... Rose McGowan.


Tug said...

Jared was so much hotter before he gothed...like when he was with Cameron, or shortly afterwards??

Is Rose the one that was with Marilyn Manson, & wore the butt dress to some awards ceremony? I'm so confused...(I'm a grandma, can you tell? heh heh)

Twyla said...

Oh you knew I'd have to comment on this one. :-)
Definitely some ear and eye candy this morning. This was the first song I'd heard from them...and it's been on my mp3 player ever since. My daughter even sings their songs now because I play them so much.
I love Jared but could do without the eyeliner. You know how couple's joke about what famous person they would leave them for? Well maybe normal couples don't say that but Jared would be my pick...of all the celebrities ever. LOL
Thanks for posting it. :-)

Slackermommy said...

It's a good thing Bridget Moynahan got herself knocked up which got her in People because until then I had never heard of her. She is hot though! I wonder if she's let me touch her boobs?

Jay said...

Hehe, did she get pregnant just for you? If so, that was very kind of her. But she could have gone with something less drastic - like chopping off an ear or something.

Buttercup said...

I can't stand Jared goth; I don't think it suits him. I love Paige though!