Friday, December 22, 2006

a belated thank you

We just wanted to thank everyone of there well wishes and thoughts when it comes to our beautiful Kittie. I know that the good vibes everyone sent helped us to get through this difficult time, at least for now.

We could have been selfish and tried to drug her up to get through the holidays, but we just knew that was not what she would have wanted, especially since she was going blind in her other eye as well. I said goodbye to her the Wednesday before, or more like she said goodbye to me, since she when I climbed underneath the coffee table to lay with her, she bathed me in kisses. See, cats can kiss.

Everyone loved the little woman, and she would always just seem to know when you needed a kiss, or a laugh at her expense, even though she really really hated that.

This is my favorite Christmas picture of her, just because she seemed to just love sleeping and lying under the tree, like it was all about her or something. Though I guess when it comes to cats, its always about them isnt it?

We are going to get one or two more cats after the holidays, one for each of us, though no new kitten will ever be able to replace Princess Kittie.

A special shoutout to Lady Jane and Howie for the shout out.


Norma said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you'll give a rescue kitty a home.

Anthony said...

I know exactly what you mean. Mine is 16 now, and I figure we have a couple more good years together until I will have to make some decision, I suppose. But for now, anyway, he's a healthy cat.

So, I cherish each moment; even when he bugs me for food or decides that he needs attention when I'm trying to do something else.

So, yes, it is all about them.

There are pics on my blog. Check October 31.

tiggerprr said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
:( Yes, it is all about them, as it should be since they give us so much. I know you can never replace her, but the next cats that adopt you can help you heal for sure. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww, it's a very sweet tribute. you'll have to share your two new additions when they arrive! :D