Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Raving Liberal Moment #2 Hillary

I can not get the video yet, but the speech was a knockout. If she spoke like that all the time I might have fallen in love with her. But, the moment of the night...

"No way, No How, No McCain"


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Glad you did not fall in love with her, because the real woman will reemerge ...

Unknown said...

have not watched it but at this point I am hoping for a third candidate. Ms. Hillary does have a confidence about her though..

I say no Obama, no McCain

This is the first time that I have been worried about our country regardless of who gets elected

Cinnamon Girl said...

I was particularly happy she directly asked her supporters if they were in it for her or for the people she represented.

Bubba brought it too. The line about the world being more impressed by the power of our example than an example of our power was superb.

Not that I was surprised. Say what you want about the, but the Clintons are first and foremost, Democrats. They can bring and I think they will.

Sushi Recipes said...

Great reeading this