Saturday, February 09, 2008

Its Time to Believe

It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.

Yes we can to justice and equality.

Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.

Yes we can heal this nation.

Yes we can repair this world.

Yes we can.


the Book of Keira said...

God, I am so aroused right now.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Has Obama given Chavez credit for this line, btw? Y'all realize this was the call of Hispanic labour workers right?

the Book of Keira said...

Yes we can? I'm sure it's been a ton of people's "calls"!

Cinnamon Girl said...

I am sure people have used it but as a campaign slogan it dates to Cesar Chavez and the California migrant workers movement. I heard someone saying something about "Obama's message" and frankly not your homework on a candidate bugs the fuck out of me. It's a great message but it is not original.

Cinnamon Girl said...

I really like Obama's enthusiam and his battle cry is inspiring. Change is also great. But how? By doing what? I hear a lot of talk and not a lot of specifics. I am too old to be bought by a slogan I guess. I want so me meat with my message.

the Book of Keira said...

Starr, the only responsibility you have is listening and reading up as much as you can about the candidates and their policies. Then, you have to vote for whichever one stands behind the same principles and political needs. I certainly found that with a bit of ease, but in the end, my biggest concern is dethroning these right wing dipshits that have ruined our country.

I say check out both candidates websites and be able to see in more detail what they each want to do to make change and how they plan to do it and then decide based on what's best for you.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Ky honey, I have been on both candidates mailing lists and have contributed to both campaigns for the last 6 months.

Neither of them are specific enough for my tastes but in the debates I have been less than thrilled by Obama's tendency toward oration rather than illumination. I will happily and enthusiastically vote for either of them as I agree anyone but a Repuglican. I just don't want another Carter.

the Book of Keira said...

Yeah, I agree... for me, it's a bit personal I suppose. I just can't support someone who voted in favor of this horrible war. Amongst other things...LOL.

I am terrified of McCain getting his ass in the Oval Office.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Ya know I used to have a degree of respect for McCain and I do like that he reaches across the aisle. I do not like his attitude and I find it mind boggling that he is trying to be al mini Bush on the war. All that time in the Hanoi Hilton didn't break him but one nasty Bush campaign turned him into Dubya's bitch. That was sad.

the Book of Keira said...

I said the same thing once... that the only Republican I would ever vote for would be McCain but now he's gone apeshit with his Iran this and hundred years in Iraq shit. Now, he scares the piss out of me.

Sparky Duck said...

I too used to like McCain, thought he had some good gumption to him. But he has kind of snapped a bit. Plus he is looking old, like he could drop any minute. Its going to be interesting to see who his VP will be.

And while I know I am going to put my explanation into its own little post, for me its more personal as well. Both will do what I would want them to do on most issues. I need to feel something i guess

the Book of Keira said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly.