Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am still in love

Well, of course I am still in love, Mrs Duck is spectacular. But, what I actually meant is with the life changing show Les Miserables. One of the local PBS stations showed the Anniversary Live Concert tonight, in an effort to raise money and I actually gave up a pretty good Alabama vs Arkansas football game to watch the show instead. And yes, I TiVo'd it.

I love this damn show, love it, love it, love it. So, in a celebration of love, Here are the best 13 minutes in musical theater ever!


Unknown said...

Oh MIchael will love this as its his favorite show. Im glad you love it as well. Hope yall are doing well and its nice to know you still love Mrs Duck as well

Anonymous said...

You gave up watching football? Must be true love.

Anthony said...

I need more cowbell. :)

Amy Ruttan said...

WOW, you must be head over heels. Les Mis is amazing. There's a production coming to our London Theatre and I'm going to catch it.

Your love for Les Mis is the same as my love for the Phantom and I'm talking Pre-Gerry Butler (which is saying something LOL).

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Thanks for sharing those two songs. If you can believe it, I've never seen Les Mis. And I love musical theatre, so that's saying something. When Les Mis was playing in Toronto, I was working in another theatre. We often got to see other shows in town if they had a performance that was only half sold - they'd send comp tickets to our theatre so our staff could help fill up the seats. I never managed to see Les Mis because that show was always sold out!

the Book of Keira said...

Can you believe that I STILL haven't seen it???

Wylie Kinson said...

(still laughing over Anthony's comment)

LOVE Les Mis. Have seen in it Toronto, NY & London. Wish I could say one was better than the other - but they were ALL amazing, outstanding, heart wrenching, breath taking...
BUT, the NY show did have Lea Solonga,...