Friday, January 05, 2007

Sometimes TiVo isnt grand

So, here was our night last night, at least TV wise, via TiVo.
1.House Hunters

2.An episode of Dr. Phil that was taped in the morning

3.a pretty good Law and Order:CI

4.Shark on rewind.

So, sometimes, TiVo is not the best thing going, because in the old days if there were two good shows on during one night, you could go back and watch the reruns of the second best show on at that hour. You know, its new to you. But now with TiVo, you can catch those other shows when they are on the first time. Which is great, because there is a wealth of shows to watch up until Novemember. But, once the holidays come around, the shows really dry up. Hence, we were very very excited about the fact that a new episode of Shark was on last night. Or we might have been staring at each other, or worse, Mrs Duck might have gotten control of the clicker and had us flipping between HGTV and DIY. Joy


-atomik kitten said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

We have a DVR from DH has to set it to record things for me. I know how to do it - but don't tell him that.