Tuesday, September 19, 2006

6 weeks of Santorum left??

You know its beginning to become easy to tell who both political parties are worried about and who they think will win. Lynn Swann, still floundering I assume, is still running the same campaign ad that was running over the summer. And its not even that good an ad, everyone knows who Lynn Swann is. Ive seen ads for both Wheldon and his Opponent, as well as for Fitzpatrick and his opponent, so that right there says it must be at least a race. Heck, we even get the NJ Senate race down here, though really the two candidates are very very entrenched in North Jersey politics.
However things are getting fun when we get a new Santorum ad. They are getting slimier and slicker, which must mean he's either not as close as he would like, or not as out in front as he would like. But The Coffee House | TPMCafe has done some digging on the ad, and as usual, its just plain wrong. Yes I know, we are all shocked (insert your favorite sarcastic look here). Now, we will know things are going bad for Slick Rick when either we see a Shrub appearance, or an ad where Casey eats kittens.