Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Debate Game

Ok more plagurism, got this from pretentious though he was more techinological in that he was able to make it a download.

Debate Drinking Game
October 13th 2004

• Someone shows a clip of Al Gore sighing: Recount your chads.
• A Republican operative compares Kerry to a classical orator: Drink an shot
• A Democrat uses the phrase "can't run on his record": Go to Stetson's.
• A Republican cites Kerry's prep school experience: Try on a cheerleader outfit.
• Anyone says that Bush "has never lost a debate": Try to look yourself in the eye.
• Someone plays the "you're no Jack Kennedy" clip: Lose anyway.
• Someone proclaims "entire race may come down to this": Move to Canada.

Drink One Sip If:

Kerry pats down Bushes looking for “wire”
Anyone says "terrorism"
Anyone says "Halliburton"
Anyone says "flip flop"
Anyone says "Saddam Hussein"
Anyone mentions their own military service
Anyone says "September 11"
One candidate interrupts another candidate

Drink Two Sips If:

Bush says "cut and run"
Kerry says "W stands for wrong"
Either candidate talks past their time limit
Kerry brings up Bush's "Mission Accomplished" moment
Bush mentions Crawford, TX
Anyone mentions "weapons of mass destruction"
Anyone mentions "pre-Spetember 11 mentality/outlook/attitude" etc.
Anyone looks at the wrong camera
Anyone whips out "evidence"
Anyone says "Osama bin Laden"
Anyone mentions blogs
Anyone mentions "North Korea"
Everytime you see anyone wearing the yellow "LiveSTRONG" bracelet

Finish Your Glass If:

Bush mispronounces any word or name
Anyone says "Osama bin Hidin'"
Anyone uses a sports metaphor
Anyone attempts to speak Spanish to pander to Latinos

Do a Shot If:

Bush mentions the deficit
Bush accuses Kerry of being "French on terrorism"
Kerry accuses Bush of being a pansy for avoiding Vietnam
Bush accuses Kerry of being a pansy for avoiding Vietnam
Bush admits he made a mistake ("miscalculation" counts)
Ralph Nader shows up insisting on airtime

Finish the Bottle If:

Anyone challenges anyone to a duel
Bush snorts coke while Kerry speaks
The moderator rips off his mask to reveal his true identity is Karl Rove