Philly Wins Something-Worst Parents Ever
This is one of those coincidental times when something I was thinking of doing as a post seems to fall right into place with another bloggers train of thought post wise. Bond and his Big Leather Couch got into a discussion yesterday and today on his blog about how children these days are coddled and bubble wrapped and how No Child Left Behind is a great idea on paper, and an awful idea in practice. Hop over to the couch and get into the discussion.
Now, how does this tie in with the Duck? Well, this month Philadelphia Magazine did an article declaring Main Line Parents of Philadelphia to be the worst ever! Part of the problems that the article points out is the tutoring process of the SAT's, that costs upwards of $3000 by the way, that will teach your child how to figure out the test, as opposed to learning the information for the SAT's. Because apparently, everyone needs to get into Harvard.
Its also talks about how parents now adays seem to be determined to be there kids best friends as opposed to being the authoritative parent. As opposed to telling Johnny "hey, don't kick the dog" we tell little johnny "kicking the dog may not have been the best decision." Um no Johnny, stop kicking the damn dog before i kick you in the ass. But its easy for me to say, I don't have kids.
It also goes into how children are almost either not being allowed to fail by everyone makes the team, everyone plays, everyone gets a trophy rec league sports, or are being pushed to fail by keeping there expectations so high that they are unattainable. Alot of parents seem to be tying there success in life to what little Johnny and Katie achieve. Its the stage mom idea turned up 10 knots.
If I ever become a parent, and thats still a nice if, I will try to raise my children the way my parents raised me. I only got a spanking 5 or 6 times in my life, but, the fact that I had that fear of getting spanked kept me on the right path. I will strive to get my kids the thing they most want for Christmas or there birthdays, if it is something affordable or at least not frivilous like a pony. But, I will not be buying my kids a grand prize just for being a good boy this week. I will let my son or daughter lose at a game sometimes, because it teaches you to be a good loser. Now, if they beat me at video games, they should, but I still remember playing football board games with my dad or monopoly with my mom and it was loads more fun when we followed the rules and I still actually beat them. That was achievement.
If Scooter screws up in school, give him detention, because I will give him detention when he gets home. Don't do something that one of my fathers student's mothers did. When my dad, who was a Vice Prinicipal in a high school, told Mommy that Scooter was going to get a 3 day suspension for smoking in the bathroom, Mommy denied that Scooter was smoking and when my dad presented evidence, including Scooter saying that he was smoking, Mommy play acted being unconscious and passing out as opposed to accepting it and smacking Scooter behind the head. The paramedics, who were eventually called, even said she was faking. Yep, that coddling a bit.