Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Continuing to get Presidential-Jeb Bartlett

One of my favorite West Wing moments ever. Shocking I consider myself a Wiccan? I think not...


Hyperion said...

This is a great moment in WW history. Of course, it's a cheat, but I don't see how Sorkin could know that. I loved it.

(I'm not arguing it's a cheat meaning morally rong, as I'm with presdient Bartlett on this one. I'm just saying that that principled opposition to homosexuality among educated Christians on Biblical grounds would come from New Testament texts. But whatever: we all know that lady in question is a Roman a clef of Dr. Laura, and that bitch deserves everything we can throw at her!)

Desert Songbird said...

I considered writing in "Jed Bartlet" on my ballot a few weeks ago.