Monday, August 18, 2008

Thankfully, The Jonas Brothers are here to save the day

Today, was a massive meeting of political minds, as Disney's Hanson Ripoff, the Jonas Brothers (sorry tweens, Hanson was here first) visited the White House. Thankfully, I do not think there are any sort of pictures of the boys meeting with the President, they were just there to shoot some sort of P.S.A.Especially with the Shrub in Crawford

But, I can now rest comfortably tonight, because I am sure Ethan, or Jan, or whatever the hell there names are, also probably saved the North Pole, solved Global Warming and the issue in Georgia and also maybe balanced the budget.


Cinnamon Girl said...

I can NOT believe Rolling Stone Magazine put those nasty little punks on the cover and gave them a great review. SUCKAGE.

Hanson owns :P

Dragon said...

Is it true they are also working on a cure for cancer?

tiff said...

Who the hell are the Jonas Brothers?

And, more to the point...why?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Rolling Stone disappointed me greatly with that cover...

I heard they are going to be elected as rulers of earth next

Cinnamon Girl said...

I hear you Vinny. RS had the bimbos from The Hills on the cover as well. They got reamed in the letters to the editor.