Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hillary Will Work for Food

And when I say food, I mean money for votes. It is now 10:50, and my twitter prediction is coming quite true, though it is a hell of a lot closer then I thought it would be. Indiana is still too close to call, though I still do not see how Obama can win, unless Purdue University had record turnouts.

So, as we listen to Senator Clinton doing a fine job of now semi applying for the chance to take the second spot on the Obama Presidential Ticket, I have to wonder when she and Bubba will actually go away. When the heartlands of Indiana could not deliver a strong victory for you before the 11:00 news, you know you really kinda are cooked as a candidate.

Though, Senator Clinton is still asking for the loot, because Lexington, Louisville and Portland are going to be darned expensive to run negative campaign ads in.

On a side note, there goes Evan Bayh's hopes for VP


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

nope sparky, i don't agree. she won't go away because she wants him to lose in november so she can run in four years. i am cynical i know. but i believe that... and she can still hope his preacher will come back and perform some more. i wonder how osama bama shut him up. okay, i'd better run away now before you slap me! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

Bayh doesn't want the VP; nor does he want to be that close to the White House. Yet...

Anthony said...

Read Larry Eichel's column on the front page of today's Inquirer. It's full of interesting insights drawn from the exit polls.

In short, whichever candidate drops out will splinter the party and send flocks of voters over to either McCain or not voting altogether.
The Obama people dislike Hillary enough to not vote Democrat at all and the Clinton people likewise.

It spells doom once again for the Democrats, making my My Sick Mind prediction about to come true.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

The only reason why 30% of the so-called Hillary supporters are saying they won't back Obama in the general is because they are Limbaugh Democrats to begin with.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

buh-bye hil

Cinnamon Girl said...

I was pleased to see my ballot arrived in the mail while I was dealing with Kidlets surgery and there is a write in option. I'm writing in John Edwards. He was always the candidate I liked and just because the ridiculous election process renders my vote pointless in the primaries does not mean I have to check the box for the lesser of two evils.