Monday, September 03, 2007

Best Name Ever

Watching the Bowden Bowl tonight, for you uneducated football fans, thats Florida State vs Clemson. And this guy was shaken up on a kickoff play. Easily the best name ever!


Lisa Andel said...

oh man, that's a good one.

Desert Songbird said...

You ever wonder some if some parents name their kids specifically so that they'll have cool names that get called in sports venues?

Desert Songbird said...

Oh yeah, and I can't believe that Clemson let FSU back in the game like that. After scoring all those TDs in the first quarter, what the heck happened? I only watched the first quarter and part of the second, and I haven't read the recap. Did FSU figure out how to stop the run? Clemson has some great RBs.

pissed off patricia said...

WTF were his parents thinking?

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

College football starts NEXT week right? Will someone please tell me that last week's game was just for practice?

Sparky Duck said...

well, it is a name you won't forget isn't it?

LJS-I think you're teams season starts another 365 days from now

Anthony said...

That's even better than Costanza's "Seven", and beats my previous favorite, former running back I.M. Hipp.