Tuesday, April 12, 2005

MishMash of thoughts

Hey everybody, been a little while, hasn't it?

Anyways, have had some thoughts running thru my head, so this post will be a little crazy

1.How gosh darn popular is the restaurant Carraba's? FuW and I tried to go there on Saturday night at 9PM and there was still an hour wait! At 9 pm on a Saturday? How normal is that?? Its not like its a 5 star restaurant for pete's sake.

2.Watched the Masters the other day, it was quite exciting, though I was rooting for Chris DiMarco and not Tiger Woods. I was kind of annoyed at the beginning of the coverage of the Masters, because they made it look like the Tiger Woods Shootout, all Tiger all the time. It was just too bad that Chris could not catch any breaks at all, but that is why Tiger is Tiger.

3.Just finished the Book, Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton. Would definetly give the book 3 stars, read it in under a week. A book that is combination between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Kay Scarpetta novels, so if you like one of these characters, I would recommend Anita Blake!

4. An old thought, but Philadelphia Radio took another hit with the change of format to 100.3, which used to be called Y100 for another rap station. That makes I believe 5 here in the Philadelphia area. I dont mean to be crass, and I listen to rap and R&B music, but there are more then just black people living in Philadelphia!!!